Board Meeting Dates 2020
Wednesdays @ 5:30 pm
January 22, 2020 Agnes Morley Heights
249 Milbank Avenue
February 26, 2020 Agnes Morley Heights
(Amended from Parsonage Cottage) 249 Milbank Avenue
March 25, 2020 Armstrong Court
(Cancelled due to COVID-19) Armstrong Court Community Room
April 22, 2020 Wilbur Peck Court
(Cancelled due to COVID-19) Wilbur Peck Court Community Room
May 27, 2020 Quarry Knoll I (Video Conference)
(Video Conference Call) 15 Quarry Knoll
June 24, 2020 McKinney Terrace
(Video Conference Call) 71 Vinci Drive
July 22, 2020 Agnes Morley Heights
(Cancelled for the Summer & COVID-19) 249 Milbank Avenue
August 26, 2020 Agnes Morley Heights
(Cancelled for the Summer & COVID-19) 249 Milbank Avenue
September 23, 2020 Adams Garden
(Video Conference Call) Bertolf Road Community Room
October 28, 2020 Agnes Morley Heights
249 Milbank Avenue
(Annual Meeting)
December 9, 2020 Agnes Morley Heights
249 Milbank Avenue
(Combination of November and December Meetings)
Dates and locations can be changed at the discretion of the Board of Commissioners.